Global: many harvest workers needed to serve across cultures

Written by David Fletcher 05 Feb 2016
Global: many harvest workers needed to serve across cultures

Across the nations, people are crossing barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ and are expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him. SIM is just one of many mission agencies. Originally known as Sudan Inland Mission, in the 1980s SIM joined other mission agencies and became known as ‘Serving in Mission’ .It has 4,000+ workers in 70+ countries serving God among many diverse people groups in every continent. These workers are an international community of seventy nationalities, in a wide variety of career fields. Please pray for more peoples with a variety of skills and who love Jesus to be willing to use their skills on a ministry team in a foreign country. Pray for more Christ-centred churches to be birthed. Pray for those working together with established churches to fulfil God’s mission across cultures locally and globally.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for a witness to Christ's love where He is least known, to fulfil the vision of a redeemed Church from all tribes, languages, peoples and nations. (Mt.9:37)