USA and Uganda Primates in Canterbury

Written by David Fletcher 22 Jan 2016
USA and Uganda Primates in Canterbury

The Most Revd Dr Foley Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, was a full, voting participant in the Primates’ gathering, but did not feel it appropriate to vote as he’s not part of the official Anglican structures. He is in communion with provinces which represent the majority of the Anglican Communion but left the Episcopal Church after it approved consecration of non-celibate homosexual persons to be bishops and gave approval to liturgies for same-sex unions. The Archbishop of Uganda, the Most Revd Stanley Ntagali, left the gathering. This was because canons passed by Uganda’s provincial synod prevented his sitting with the US Episcopal Church or the Church of Canada unless they repented on their stand on the same issue. For him to attend was putting him out on a limb with his people. He didn’t leave out of anger. He just felt he was not being faithful to his duties as an archbishop. So the Primates blessed him, and he blessed them and left. See also article 1 in the British Isles section of this week’s Prayer Alert.

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