Trump and Le Pen on immigration

Written by Linda Digby 18 Dec 2015
Trump and Le Pen on immigration

In the USA last week nine candidates appeared for the final Republican presidential primary debate of 2015 and Donald Trump was received positively. In France last week six million disaffected French voters gave their support to Marie Le Pen’s Front National candidates, and said they will do so again when they get the chance. Donald Trump is calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States: Le Pen has called for an immediate end to receiving migrants into the municipalities of France. Trump said, ‘When Mexico sends people, they bring lots of problems to us.’ Le Pen asked, ‘Would you accept twelve immigrants moving into your flat? Some would steal your wallet and brutalise your wife.’ Trump would build a great wall and make Mexico pay for it. Le Pen declared, ‘We must regain control of our national borders once and for all, despite the EU.’ Trump said he would be the greatest representative of Christians that they've had in a long time, and Le Pen said France can be secular because it is Christian at its origin.

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