USA: churches welcome refugees against governors’ wishes

Written by Linda Digby 18 Dec 2015
USA: churches welcome refugees against governors’ wishes

Over half of US state governors closed their state’s borders to Syrian refugees after the Paris terrorist attacks, but Christians are defying orders. Their faith tells them to open their doors to the stranger. In Georgia, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church has resettled a Syrian family, despite Gov Nathan Deal. The Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis defied Gov Mike Pence by welcoming a Syrian family last Monday. In Ohio, Westminster Presbyterian Church will accept up to three refugee families from Syria or elsewhere. The Refugee Services of Texas, an affiliate of several Christian refugee organisations, settled six Syrian refugees in Houston and expects to settle nine more soon, despite Gov Greg Abbott and Senator Ted Cruz, who proposed legislation that would allow governors to reject refugees deemed to be a security risk. The CEO of Refugee Services of Texas said, ‘We reassure all Texans that refugees are receiving a warm and compassionate welcome from staff and volunteers.’

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