Israel: Fear is dividing Jerusalem

Written by Linda Digby 16 Oct 2015
Israel: Fear is dividing Jerusalem

The Temple Mount has become a focus of friction between Israelis and Palestinians. Fear is dividing Jerusalem as Jews and Arabs lose their sense of security to a severe degree unseen since the second intifada. Violence is escalating, some are calling it another intifada. The last intifada damaged Jerusalem's economy and social structure to an extent from which some say the city has never recovered. A Christian in Jerusalem asks for the following prayers. –‘For God’s protection over every community; for the Palestinian press, reporting wildly exaggerated and untruthful stories; for the few politicians (on both sides) who are using the unrest for personal political purposes; that God will discredit leaders (religious, political and others) who advocate solving this conflict with violence; that the Israeli army and police will act with wisdom and Palestinian and Israeli officials will co-operate to bring an end to the tension.’ On a positive note, Prophecy Today UK reports, ‘Prime Minister Netanyahu is a convinced Bible believer and a survey reveals that 95% of Israelis have a Bible in their homes’. See:

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  • Pray: that God through his Spirit of Holiness will bring reconciliation and healing to Jews and Arabs. (Ps.86:11)