Mexico: ‘Where are our boys?’ protest march

Written by Linda Digby 02 Oct 2015
Mexico: ‘Where are our boys?’ protest march

The parents of 43 missing college students have led a march of thousands of people in Mexico City, marking one year since the students’ disappearance. In January Mexico's government said the students had been handed over to a drug cartel by police and then killed and burned to ashes. Independent experts suggest they were killed because they unknowingly took control of a bus carrying illegal drugs and the government did nothing to protect them. Forensic teams said the government's conclusion is not supported by evidence. Protesters called the march ‘a day of indignation’, allowing people to show their anger over the handling of the students’ disappearance. They carried posters saying ‘No more disappearances and no more deaths’. ‘We came with a thirst for justice. Behind the 43 are thousands of disappeared’, student Sofia Rojas said. An anti-crime activist said the protest ‘sets an example for all Mexicans to wake up, and not be silent.’ See also:

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  • Pray: that the President will honour his promise to look deeper into the case. Pray also for the families of the many who have disappeared over recent years, and for justice to triumph. (Ps.9:19)