South Sudan: UN says army raped and burned girls alive

Written by Linda Digby 02 Oct 2015
South Sudan: UN says army raped and burned girls alive

Rights investigators from the UN mission in the Republic of South Sudan (Unmiss) have warned of ‘widespread human rights abuses’. Some of the most disturbing allegations were abduction and sexual abuse of women and girls, some of whom were reportedly burned alive in their dwellings. The UN said it had tried to visit the sites of atrocities described by witnesses, but was denied access by the army. Aerial photographs show the burnt circles left after huts were razed to the ground. The army has previously dismissed allegations of rights abuses. The UN’s report has been handed to government officials, who are yet to comment on its findings. Unmiss chief Ellen Margrethe Loej called for ‘unfettered access’ to investigate the reported crimes. She said, ‘Revealing the truth of what happened offers the best hope for ensuring accountability for such terrible violence and ending the cycle of impunity that allows these abuses to continue.’ See also:

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