Iran: Christian arrests and interrogations increasing

Written by Linda Digby 24 Sep 2015
Iran: Christian arrests and interrogations increasing

Robert Duncan of Middle East Concern reports: ‘This summer, arrests and interrogations have been unusually frequent. The exact numbers are difficult to give, but we know of twenty arrests in Kermanshah, Tehran, Shiraz and Karaj over July and August. The number could be much higher. Generally, house churches have been targeted; it is believed that a government agent was able to infiltrate several house churches and gather information about members and church leaders, which led to the arrests. It illustrates just how careful house churches need to be in accepting newcomers and that security is a big issue. When security forces raid a house church they do it quickly, without attracting attention. This summer, however, there were several examples of arrests being unnecessarily violent and witnessed by neighbours. Treatment during interrogation depends very much on the interrogator, but this summer there have been consistent reports of people being beaten.’

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