Yemen: Tweets from a Medecins Sans Frontières doctor

Written by Linda Digby 10 Sep 2015
Yemen: Tweets from a Medecins Sans Frontières doctor

Medecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) doctor Natalie Roberts is an emergency doctor from the UK who has been working with MSF for two years and has just returned from Yemen. The following are five of her single-sentence tweets from last week:’On the road for a long day from Amran to Saada mountains, bombing in our destination, so everyone is anxious. Car is full - 3 Yemeni colleagues, medical supplies to deliver, plus food and a generator. Stop at camp: 1k people live here in awful conditions, they left Saada due to airstrikes. Shortage of tents, food, latrines and water - we’ll try to address as many needs as we can to prevent people getting sick. Displaced people are angry, say they left Saada because they were scared they would die. Now mothers are afraid their children will die here.’ See also the Red Cross blog at

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