Syria: IS issues list of rules for Christians

Written by Linda Digby 10 Sep 2015
Syria: IS issues list of rules for Christians

‘Our entire ancestral homelands have been completely taken and now they won't even allow us to sustain our religious faith in one God and His Son Jesus Christ.’ IS has issued a ‘safety contract’ for Christians living in al-Qaryatain. It comprises eleven specific commandments, including one which prohibits praying out loud to Jesus Christ under penalty of death. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Christians in the captured town will have to pay the jizyah tax imposed on non-Muslims, in addition to the other commandments issued by the extremist group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.The stipulations prohibit the establishment of churches, the displaying of crosses, making Muslims hear Christian prayers or rituals of worship, the hiding of spies, offending Islamic religious beliefs, the carrying of weapons, the sale of pork or wine to Muslims, and failing to dress modestly.

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