Nigeria: 500 days since Chibok abductions

Written by Linda Digby 10 Sep 2015
Nigeria: 500 days since Chibok abductions

The president of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria said that 176 of the girls kidnapped from Chibok by Boko Haram last year are from families in his denomination. Reverend Samuel Dali’s revelation coincided with a Global Week of Action to commemorate 500 days since their abductions. Reverend Dali said that 8,000+ members of his church had lost their lives, and 70% of church facilities in Adamawa, Yobe and Borno States had been destroyed during the Boko Haram crisis. In addition 90,000 church members have been displaced by terrorist violence. Last week the ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ campaign had a Global Week of Action commemorating the 500th day since the Chibok girls disappeared. The week included prayers, tree planting in honour of the girls, meetings with the Chief of Defence Staff and the National Human Rights Commission, and a march and candle-lit procession in Abuja.

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