Egypt: Bombings and terror threats don't keep Copts away from church

Written by Linda Digby 27 Aug 2015
Egypt: Bombings and terror threats don't keep Copts away from church

Christians and Muslims in Egypt flocked to churches and monasteries bearing the name of the Virgin Mary to take part in the festivities of the Assumption, which started on 6 August. Churches across Egypt's governorates held prayers and sang hymns and fasted in commemoration of the Assumption for fourteen days, despite the wave of terrorist attacks that have plagued Egypt during the past few months. The festivities appeal to non-Christians as well. In front of an image of the Virgin Mary, Samira Mohammed prayed fervently while holding another image of the Virgin Mary in her hand. She said that she always waits eagerly for the Virgin ceremony; as a Muslim, she knows the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the Quran and is the only woman to whom an entire Surah is dedicated.

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