Egypt: Christians still being persecuted

Written by Linda Digby 30 Jul 2015
Egypt: Christians still being persecuted

Egyptian believers were asked, ‘Have the constitutional changes adopted in 2014 made any difference to you?’ The responses in Cairo were positive where a great deal of security is provided. However outside Cairo people told of attacks on their homes and businesses, with many families having to flee to safe havens. But even in ‘safe’ places they receive threatening messages and phone calls, and Christian girls are kidnapped for ransom. Religious extremism and Egypt's informal legal process of ‘reconciliation sessions’ can result in Christians being expelled from their communities as part of collective punishment when one person has been accused of wrongdoing. With a lack of government security or the support of religious figures, many fanatics push their agenda to cleanse whole villages and towns of Christians. Despite, or perhaps because of, persecution the Egyptian Church is growing. Pray for them as they unite and become a powerful witness to God’s love. See:

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