2014 Record-breaking year for Bible translation globally

Written by Linda Digby 03 Jul 2015
2014 Record-breaking year for Bible translation globally

A new record in Bible translation may have been set in 2014 for the highest number of new translations published in one year. According to the Global Scripture Access Report, last year there were complete translations in 51 languages spoken by more than 1.3 billion people. Some were launched in countries facing significant challenges. In Nigeria the Bible Society launched four new translations, one being the Bura Bible, which was launched despite a Boko Haram bomb attack on the translation office. All of these were first-time translations, potentially giving 2.1 million Nigerians access to the full Bible in their heart language for the first time. Liberia also  faced enormous difficulties, losing more people to Ebola than any other country, but the Bible Society launched two first-time full Bible translations. The Bible in Kpelle and Southern Kisi, spoken by nearly a million people, arrived at a time when people needed God's Word in their language more than ever before.

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