Yemen: Humanitarian crisis and ethnic cleansing

Written by Admin 2 04 Jun 2015
Yemen: Humanitarian crisis and ethnic cleansing

Thousands of tonnes of food aid for Yemen have been diverted from the port of Aden because of heavy fighting between Saudi-backed forces and Shia Muslim Houthi fighters. The city has been cut off from supplies for months, creating a humanitarian crisis for hundreds of thousands of desperate people. Aden has no running water or electricity, and food shops are empty. Yemen imports 90% of its food, and an estimated 16 million people (more than 60% of the population) need humanitarian assistance. Elsewhere ethnic cleansing is happening. Fewer than 100 Jews are believed to be living in Yemen, and the number could soon drop to zero, as Houthi rebels expand their control of the country. The Houthis are Shia Muslims, supported by Iran, and their chant is ‘Death to America. Death to Israel, Allah curse the Jews’. Most Jews fled some time ago to Israel. The remnant are under virtual house arrest and victims of persecution. See:

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