Colombia: Terrorism charge against missionary

Written by Admin 2 02 Apr 2015
Colombia: Terrorism charge against missionary

A missionary pilot in Colombia needs prayer. From jail, missionary Russell Stendal sent this message to Voice of the Martyrs Canada: ‘Somebody set a trap for me, and we walked into it. There was a secret order out for my arrest’. He states in the video message: ‘They’re accusing me of rebellion, for the missionary trips and the visits I made into rebel-held territory distributing Bibles and radios.’ Is Russ Stendal, the famed missionary to FARC terrorists in South America, actually El Gringo, a terrorist leader seeking the overthrow of Colombia’s government? That question is before a three-judge panel, based on allegations from Carlos Manuel Silva, chief sectional prosecutor for the Colombian department of Cundinamarca, which includes the capital Bogota. If a terrorism trial does occur, Christian leaders believe it has potential to harm missionary outreach across the nation, still suffering from decades of violent conflict and narco-terrorism. Evangelicals are growing by 6% per year, three times higher than the population growth rate.

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