Kenya: Authorities took hours to respond to university attack

Written by Admin 2 09 Apr 2015
Kenya: Authorities took hours to respond to university attack

The death toll in al-Shabaab’s assault on a Christian University College is likely to climb above 147 and anger grows among local residents over the government’s failure to prevent bloodshed. A police source, who remains anonymous, said that when the alarm sounded at Garissa University College the authorities took hours to respond, arriving at the scene after politicians and journalists. He said the government's rapid response team was held up in Nairobi for hours arranging transport before it finally made its way to Garissa where gunmen separated Christian students from Muslim students and then killed the Christians. Some, such as Kenyan activist Boniface Mwangi, believe that entrenched corruption in the security system allows al-Shabaab to move freely in and out of Kenya, carrying out attacks with ease. The government has identified Mohamed Mohamud as the groups mastermind with an extensive terrorist network within Kenya. Al-Shabaab is based in Somalia and linked to Al-Qaeda, that was birthed in Yemen.

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