Canada: Pro-life - an issue in election year

Written by Admin 2 23 Apr 2015
Canada: Pro-life - an issue in election year

Anti-abortion movement ‘March For Life’ will demonstrate in Ottawa on 13 May. Support for the pro-life cause has grown from 19,000 to 25,000 in three years and it’s the largest annual protest in Canada. However abortion advocates are working hard in public debate. Pro-life views have been suppressed and derided in politics and on the eve of last year’s march Justin Trudeau declared that Liberal MPs would be forced to vote pro-abortion on any legislation. (Mr.Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party)The theme of this year’s march for ‘Let Life Win,’ a veiled reference to Trudeau’s ‘no choice but pro-choice’ edict. This is an election year in Canada. In the past pro-life organisations have encouraged pro-lifers to support pro-life candidates, not specific parties. Now, in response to Trudeau’s ongoing aggressive pro-abortion rhetoric, the organizers have launched a campaign called #No2Trudeau.

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