India: Christians living in fear

Written by Admin 2 23 Apr 2015
India: Christians living in fear

Police have failed to make an arrest six days after a church was attacked in the northern Indian city of Agra. St Mary’s Church was desecrated in the early hours of April 16 by suspected Hindu hardliners who broke open the church gates and destroyed two statues. Christians are living in fear of more attacks as Hindu hardliners continue to target Christian facilities in India. A statement released by the Archdiocese said, ‘Christian institutions are sitting ducks for these fringe elements who are targeting them to further their vested interest. This has spread fear among Christians and we feel very unsafe in our own motherland.’ The Archdiocese called on authorities to speed up their investigation and take punitive action to deter future attacks on Christian properties. Elsewhere, in Delhi, six churches have been attacked or vandalised since December last year. See also 

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