Syria: 31 March ‘Aid Conference’ - 12 million people need help NOW

Written by Super User 26 Mar 2015
Syria: 31 March ‘Aid Conference’ - 12 million people need help NOW

Syrians feel ‘increasingly abandoned by the world’ as global attention focuses on IS militants while violence and government bureaucracy hinder delivery of aid and medical supplies to 12 million people. UN chief Ban Ki-moon said a lack of accountability during the four-year civil war has also led to a rise in allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and other human rights abuses. While aid is reaching several million people, the situation for 4.8 million people in hard-to-reach areas (especially 212,000 people in besieged areas) was of ‘grave concern. Hospitals and schools are being attacked and international aid funding has failed to keep pace with needs. The UN is seeking $8.4 billion to meet humanitarian needs in 2015, after only securing half the funding it asked for in 2014. Mr Ban ki-moon said at a pledging conference in Kuwait on 31 March is crucial.

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