Iran: A problem of nuclear proportions

Written by Super User 06 Mar 2015
Iran: A problem of nuclear proportions

On Monday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, reminding them of Iran’s support for terrorist organisations and its stated goal to destroy the Jewish State. He asked the crowd to ‘imagine what Iran would do with nuclear weapons.’ Shortly afterwards President Barack Obama disparaged his comments. On Tuesday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a much-anticipated speech to Congress regarding the Iranian nuclear deal. Again his comments revealed opposition to President Obama’s views. Meanwhile in Iran individuals in leadership positions are propagating poisonous agendas against the USA and Israel. An aide to Iran’s supreme leader vowed to 'raise the flag of Islam over the White House’ and said that taking over Washington would be part of a 'resistance front' in revenge for the deaths of members of the militant group Hezbollah.’ The USA is often mentioned in the same breath as Israel because of its financial and diplomatic support for the nation. See

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