Global: Banking scandal

Written by Super User 17 Feb 2015
Global: Banking scandal

Authorities in 203 countries are considering examining HSBC's actions in helping 100,000+ wealthy individuals avoid paying tax. In the UK the Public Accounts Committee plans to investigate HSBC's former Head. There have been calls for action in the US, Belgium, France, Argentina and Switzerland.  An American Senate member has asked the Government to reveal what it knew about the scandal. In Belgium a judge may issue international arrest warrants for directors of the Swiss division of HSBC. France has launched an investigation and its Prime Minister has promised more action both at home and at a European level. Swiss politicians are asking for regulatory investigation. HSBC faces criminal investigations in many countries but not in the UK where it is based. People use legal off-shore accounts to hide cash from tax authorities but deliberately hiding money to evade tax is illegal.

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