Ghana: Economic woes and Christianity

Written by Super User 28 Dec 2014
Ghana: Economic woes and Christianity

Twenty-five years ago the Christian message in Ghana was, ‘Repent and accept Jesus and you will be saved.’ Today, in many places, salvation is presented as an experience with Jesus Christ that will give Ghanaians the power to be successful in life, rub shoulders with the rich and be happy. The word ‘faith’ has a changed meaning in many Christian quarters to mean a power to ‘get what you want’. Theologians call it Prosperity Gospel. Also Ghana’s once stable economy is no longer on a firm footing. There are sharp rises in inflation, frequent power cuts, crumbling roads and dramatic plunges in the value of the currency that is causing unrest. The government recently requested a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, despite discoveries of vast oil reserves. Many are saying Ghana has gone the way of other African oil producers who became riddled with corruption when oil was discovered. See also: 

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