USA: Protesters rally across US for second day

Written by Super User 28 Nov 2014

Protests took place across America for the second day after a grand jury declined to charge Ferguson officer Darren Wilson for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown in August. Ferguson quietened down Tuesday night into early Wednesday evening. Meanwhile in California, protesters vandalised police cars, smashed business windows, set fires in the streets and shut down two major freeways. Protesters in Los Angeles barricaded freeway lanes to stop traffic. Thousands marched in Manhattan causing chaos. The US Justice Department is conducting a separate civil rights search that could bring federal charges against Officer Wilson. The riots in Ferguson and other US cities can be traced to economic, social and racial factors that haunt many poor African-American communities.Distrust in policing, stereotypes of young black males and the failure to acknowledge that race still plays an important role in American society are also factors. See also

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