USA: The Ferguson Response

Written by Super User 15 Nov 2014

Following protests and civil disorder when Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Christians erected a tent where 8-10 hours of praise, worship, intercession, and evangelism occurred daily. Believers of every hue united to provide opportunities for Ferguson to experience God. There were miraculous healings and deliverances; a couple of major protests were turned into prayer meetings, a few violent situations were defused through supernatural intervention, 50 people surrendered their lives to Jesus, and many heard the Gospel. The tent expression ended on 25 October.  Minister Thomas said, ‘We've only just begun. The crisis invited the Church to manifest God’s love. He’s exposing our hearts. Jesus deals with iniquity in us before He deals with inequity around us. Regardless of the facts, and final outcome, every believer has a role to play in the healing of these wounds and bringing peace.’

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