Middle East: Displaced people

Written by Super User 09 Nov 2014

As unrest tears through the land over one million people, many of them Christians in predominantly Muslim lands, have been displaced. Most have fled with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Winter is approaching. Refugees face temperatures of 35 to 55 degrees F. ‘It is already cold at nights and they have nowhere to go’ said the president of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council. Meanwhile a representative of The Catholic Relief Services said, ‘Just weeks or months ago, they were middle-class with homes and careers. they were corporate professionals or barbers or teachers or college students. Now they’re in perilous conditions.’ The refugee camps already have fever and disease. International humanitarian organisations are working together to bring relief to thousands of Iraqi in Turkey; 850,000 Iraqi in Kurdistan, including 150,000 Christians; 200,000 Syrians in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. Thousands more arrive daily. See also 

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