South Sudan: Child soldiers still being recruited

Written by Super User 31 Oct 2014

Children in the world's youngest country of South Sudan are being forced to fight on both sides of an ongoing civil war. The United Nations estimates that there are 11,000 child soldiers in South Sudan’s rebel and government armies. It is a conflict which has made few headlines, but cost many lives, including those of the youngest and most vulnerable. UNICEF reported 70% of the 11,000 children are serving with rebel groups, including the notorious White Army, known for sending thousands of children into battle. Stephen managed to escape the army and describes being frozen with fear as the rebel fighters took him and more than 100 of his classmates from a schoolroom. They were given no choice. He said that in the army, ‘when we were moving and boys got sick and died they would just be left where they fell.’ They were forced to train and if they didn’t they were beaten heavily.

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  • Pray: for the protection of vulnerable children in the UN camps, particularly when they are out collecting water and firewood and in the most danger of abduction. (Ps.46:1) Pray for the end of the war.(Ps.46:9)