West Africa: Hope and courage in an Ebola ward

Written by Super User 31 Oct 2014

A report of an eye witness: My journey to Kenema Hospital in Sierra Leone started more than a month before I got there. It is a mental journey and a physical one. On the journey to the hospital we saw many children on the streets. School is cancelled, there are no weddings or baptisms. People had stopped gathering because of Ebola. My experience during my stay there revealed that people can survive this disease when presented to us in time and stay hydrated before and during treatment. Then the mortality was under 40%. The most powerful thing I have ever witnessed was hearing young and old singing songs from the recovery ward. We can improve the mortality rate by improving the number of hands helping and by giving patients the best basic supportive care. Now that I'm back, having seen what I have seen, I could never forgive myself if I did not make another trip. Inside a ward is a microcosm of humanity and almost all of it is kindness and selflessness.

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