Saudi Arabia: Hajj Oct. 2 – 7

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2014

In Luke 7, Jesus predicts that his encounter with a sinful woman will become famous throughout the world and throughout history. This woman washed His feet with an abundance of tears, anointed Him with embalming perfume and wiped it over His feet with her long hair. Jesus says in response, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ Today that same desire, the desire for forgiveness of sins, is found on many blog sites, where men and women are asking if the Hajj will cleanse them not only of small common sins, but also of big serious sins. They are told that their desire will be granted by the Hajj, which if performed properly and sincerely for Allah, removes all sins. Muslims go on the Hajj to be cleansed of sin; we all desire to be clean of sin. Romans 6:23 states, ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

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