Armenia: Nagorno-Karabakh conflict still alive and dangerous

Written by Super User 30 Aug 2014

There has been escalation of tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan with violence on the contact line causing deep concerns of renewed fighting between the two countries who have been at loggerheads since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The border region became part of Azerbaijan, but the predominantly Armenian population sought unification with Armenia, leading to the 1991-1994 confrontation when 25,000 died. Since 1994 a volatile cease-fire has existed. The two countries have no diplomatic relations and are technically still at war. Armenians are forbidden to enter Azerbaijan. 40 clashes between the Nagomo-Karabakh conflict lines are reported each year. In July, Azerbaijani armed forces renewed attacks against Armenian defence positions. In early August 19 soldiers were killed. On Tuesday Moscow expressed regret over unresolved fighting that is still claiming more lives. See 

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  • Pray: for residents of this disputed border region living in daily danger. (Ex.23:22) Pray that the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia will resolve to end this dispute. (Gen.21:22-34)