Asia/Africa/Middle East: Churches affected by anti-Christian campaigns

Written by Super User 17 Jul 2014

ChinaAid reported that an anti-church campaign has resulted in the persecution of more than 160 churches. Recently, the White Crane Church in Zhejiang Province received a demolition notice and later was told by the local authorities that they must demolish the house used for gathering. A local pastor said that there is no sign of this campaign stopping anytime soon. China’s house church is a branch of a Hangzhou-based church founded by Watchman Nee. In Nigeria Christian Churches are being targeted almost weekly - the most recent report being of armed Islamic militants killing ‘scores’ of worshippers and civilians and burning down four churches in two villages in the northeast. Nigerian military and law enforcement personnel have neither confirmed the attacks nor announced an official death toll. During Egypt’s struggle against the Muslim Brotherhood recently many Churches were set ablaze.  

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