Libya: Government and army call for calm

Written by Super User 17 Jul 2014

Two years after a revolt that ousted and killed Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya’s weak government is struggling to control its borders, stop the smuggling of weapons and manage regional militias that have refused to disarm. The turmoil temperature rose higher this week as:- the Libya UN Support Mission evacuated all staff citing security concerns; the Ministry of Interior asked residents to stay away from clashes taking place around Tripoli International Airport and on the roads; the Saudi Arabian embassy in Tunis, which processes Libyan applications for Umrah and other visas will close at the end of this week. (the embassy in Tripoli is closed); the Aman Bank in Tripoli closed on Monday because of clashes. Also it is becoming increasingly clear that Christianity is no more welcome in Libya after the Arab Spring than under the rule of Gaddafi . Many Christians have left in the face of violent attacks and the growing strength of both political and militant Islamism. 

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