Zimbabwe: Possibly increased violence and pray for pastors’ conference

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

Two issues supplied by a reliable but anonymous source. First: ‘Robert Mugabe’s Zanu Party (PF) is recruiting youths for training in sophisticated murder and torture techniques for a campaign of violence against the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T). The campaign of terror is expected to roll into motion in July after the South African soccer World Cup ends and the media spotlight shifts elsewhere. High-level sources within Zanu (PF), MDC-T and the security services said the purpose of this plan was to plunge the country into total anarchy making it impossible to continue with the drafting of a new constitution. The youth recruitment drive is expected to be funded by the state, there are 10,000 illegally recruited members of the Zanu (PF) youth militia on the government payroll. Second: Next week there is a Pastors' conference where leaders will be praying for unity and repentance between leaders and denominations to see both 2 Chron 7:13-14 and Isaiah 58:6-14 coming to pass especially in Zimbabwean Churches!’

Pray: for God's healing of relationships within Zimbabwean society at every level and for the stronghold of fear and death to be broken over the territory.(Eph.2:14)

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