Yemen: Forgotten Christians

Written by Super User 31 Jan 2013

When one thinks of Yemen - the impoverished Arab country that begat Osama bin Laden, and is cushioned between Saudi Arabia and Somalia, (with the Bay of Aden between) two of the absolute most radical Muslim nations - one seldom thinks of Christians, primarily because they are practically nonexistent in such an inhospitable environment. Most tallies, in fact, suggest that Yemen's entire non-Muslim population is less than one percent. A new Arabic report , however, discusses the existence of Christians in Yemen, and their plight - one that should be familiar by now, given the situation wherever Christian minorities live under a Muslim majority. Unofficial statistics suggest that there are some 2,500 indigenous Christians in the nation, practicing their faith underground even as hostile tribes surround them. According to human rights activist, Abdul Razzaq al-Azazi, ‘Christians in Yemen cannot practice their religion nor can they go to church freely. Society would work on having them enter Islam.’

Pray: for our brothers and sisters in Christ that they would be protected from hostile beliefs. (Lk.2:14)


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