Vietnam: Detention of dozens of pastors and Church leaders

Written by Super User 19 Oct 2013

Sixty three Christian pastors and church leaders remain locked in deplorable conditions in four prison camps around Vietnam just days after religious leaders accused authorities of attempting to destroy religions in the nation. Nearly all of the 63 prisoners are members of ethnic minority communities in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. An advocacy group said that due to their status as a member of an ethnic minority and their adherence to a faith (still seen as an American import) Christians face a level of oppression far higher than most Vietnamese. Living far from major urban areas and the reach of most international news agencies, they also have little hope of assistance. Even official churches in some areas are facing persecution, house groups face regular harassment and in Binh Phuoc province local authorities are dismantling 116 chapels of the Stieng minority group belonging to the legally-registered Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South).

Pray: for the immediate release of the leaders, protection for all practicing Christians in Vietnam and an end to unjust persecution. (Ps.14:6)



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