Vietnam: Authorities stop Protestant Christmas events

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

In a central government crackdown on Protestant Christianity in Vietnam, hundreds of Christians from 10 northern provinces were locked out of a Christmas celebration due to take place on December 19th when police locked the doors and sent them away. Some of the deeply disappointed Christians began singing and praying in front of the building. Police moved in, striking some with fists and night sticks in the melee that followed. Video clips of the action were posted online by Monday Dec. 20th. Christian leaders calmed the crowd, which eventually left, but not before at least six people – including the Rev. Nguyen Huu Bao, the scheduled speaker - were arrested. Similar incidents occurred on Dec.19 in at least four other places throughout the country. As Christmas Day approaches, it appears the 400,000 Protestants in unregistered churches will be denied celebrating together.

Pray: for those beaten and wounded to know God's comfort and healing and for officials to see Christians in a positive light and no threat to their authority. (Is.9:6)


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