Uzbekistan: Churches banned from evangelism

Written by Super User 18 Dec 2011

Authorities warned churches not to allow youngsters and children to attend worship services and not to carry out missionary activities. Deputy Head of Administration met officials of the Catholic, Russian Orthodox, Presbyterian, Seventh-day Adventist and Baptist churches in Angren city telling them, ‘All unregistered religious activity is a criminal offense, in defiance of the international human rights agreements Uzbekistan is a party to.’ He demanded the churches provide him with lists of members (a move resembling the time when Uzbekistan was still part of the Soviet Union). Church leaders refused to give names amid concerns authorities could pressure individuals. These developments came after a Baptist Christian, was fined 80 times the minimum monthly wage when police broke up a meeting of Baptists on holiday together. Also, two schoolgirls stopped attending church after police threatened they ‘will be in police records and thrown out of school’.

Pray: that fanatical religious persecution will not re-emerge in the region. (Ps.37:11)



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