USA: Muslim wipes website of lawyer who helped convert

Written by Super User 21 Sep 2010

A US lawyer who successfully defended Rifqa Bary, a teenage Christian convert from Islam, has had his organisation’s website destroyed by a Muslim hacker. John Stemberger is also facing a $10 million lawsuit filed by the lawyer who represented Miss Bary’s Muslim parents. Mr Stemberger represented Rifqa Bary, who hit the headlines last year when she told US media that she would not be safe with her Muslim parents and feared an ‘honour killing’. Her father has denied the allegations. Earlier this week Mr Stemberger’s pro-family organisation, the Florida Family Policy Council, said that a Muslim hacker had managed to access their website, disabling parts of it and interfering with the inner workings of the site. The hacker left an ‘obscene message on the events page explaining in broken English who he was and why he was hacking the site’, according to Mr Stemberger.

Pray: that God would put a spiritual firewall around Christian websites. (Pr.2:8)


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