USA: Human cost of shutdown

Written by Super User 12 Oct 2013

800,000 government employees are out of work without pay, while those still working do not know when they will be paid.Some agencies are critical to the needs of people across America such as the military, food programmes and medical services. Wendy Dwyer speaking for the working homeless shelters said that if shelters have to shut meals wouldn’t be served and children would not have the same day-to-day contact that gives them stability. Meanwhile the debate over the debt ceiling is evolving as the House threatens to refuse to let the US borrow any more money. If the debt-ceiling is not raised the country enters default territory and that could impact the world.

Pray: for the President and leaders in America - for God to direct them through grace filled negotiations. (2Ch.7:14)

Pray also for those who are at risk of financial, physical and emotional suffering through no fault of their own. Pray for God to heal the land. (Is.61:8)


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