USA: Frustration - Obamacare site keeps failing

Written by Super User 06 Dec 2013

President Barack Obama has begun a new push to reshape public perception regarding his health care law while working behind the scenes to fix its problems. At a White House event Tuesday he reminded Americans that he designed the Affordable Care Act to prevent insurance discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions and to allow young people to stay on their parents' coverage until age 26. But for many Americans, the's online Obamacare website is failing many consumers attempting to sign up. It was updated last weekend but still many are still running into failures and crashes. To combat continuing concerns about, President Osama hopes to refocus the public's attention on potential benefits with the health care law in an effort to encourage more to sign up despite deep flaws with enrolment data. Insurers now say that much data they're receiving is incomplete or incorrect and could be useless. Ultimately, it may mean consumers cannot access benefits on January 1, 2014 - the date the coverage begins.

Pray: that Government administration officials, insurance company representatives and technology specialists will solve the problem. (Pr.15:22)



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