Tunisia: Muslim bid to turn Christian site into a mosque

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2011

A Muslim group of about 20 attempted to take over a Christian basilica in Tunisia – a sign of the growing threat to the country’s small Church in the wake of the revolution. On 16th Sept the group went to the Roman site with the aim of turning it into a mosque, arguing that it was a place of Muslim worship before it reverted to a basilica in 1966. A spokesman said the group went there to prepare the place for Friday prayers but police dispersed them. They were invited to make an official request to the faith ministry but as things stand the monument remains a basilica. The incident is a worrying sign of what may befall Tunisia’s small Christian community if the country’s future is shaped by an Islamic agenda, as seems likely. There is increasing public imposition of Islam in the country - forced veiling of women, forced prayer and condemnations for apostasy.

Pray: for God to prevail over Tunisia’s transition to democracy and the constitutional assembly that will be elected on 25th October. (Is.25:3,4a)

More: http://www.barnabasfund.org/UK/News/News-analysis/Muslim-bid-to-turn-Christian-site-into-a-mosque-in-Tunisia.html

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