The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Hajj

Written by Super User 21 Oct 2011

Saudi Arabia is referred to as ‘The Land of The Two Holy Mosques, ‘Al-Masjid al-Nabawi’ Mosque where Muhammad is buried and ‘Masjid al-Haram’ the largest mosque in the world situated in Mecca. Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life if they are able.’ This pilgrimage is called Hajj. The dates for the Hajj change each year, this year it starts on November 4th lasting 4 days. Thousands of pilgrims will perform religious acts to be cleansed of their sins by praying at the Grand Mosque, spending a night in a tent at Mina, walking to where Muhammad delivered his final sermon, throwing stones at three pillars representing Satan, sacrificing an animal and walking round a sacred rock seven times. Please pray for those searching for cleansing and forgiveness, and also for the residents of Saudi Arabia where the constitution is based on the Qur’an.

Pray: for Saudis and pilgrims to have their spiritual thirsts truly quenched. (Jn.7:37-38)


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