Syria: Situation worsens for Christians

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2013

Reports are surfacing of alarming conditions facing those who remain in Syria. ‘When people leave their houses in the morning they say goodbye to their families in case they don’t come back. There are suicide bombers and car bombs going off all around. 70% to 80% of the Christian population has fled to Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and Egypt. Living conditions in Syria are extremely harsh and dangerous. Few people are employed. The infrastructure is in tatters. People are beheaded. Girls are raped and killed. The prices for gas and food are ten times what they were two years ago. But the situation is worse for Christians because they face persecution from all sides of the conflict. There is al-Qaeda, dissidents from the Syrian army, a Muslim group called Victory, and other factions. Before the revolution Christians enjoyed legal protection from the Assad government.

Pray: for God’s mercy to rest on all innocent victims still living in Syria. May those who know him also know his comfort and may those who do not yet know him be found by Him. (Ps.60:5)




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