Syria: Fight continues for Aleppo

Written by Super User 04 Aug 2012

With the bloodshed mounting in Aleppo the Arab League chief accused Assad's government of atrocities. A report on the Aleppo carnage Amnesty International said, ‘Scores of demonstrators and bystanders, most of them young men and boys but including several children and older men, have been shot dead and hundreds injured in the city by security forces and the notorious Shabiha, the armed militias working alongside government forces. Some of the victims were bystanders who were not taking part in the demonstrations. Families of demonstrators and bystanders shot dead by security forces have been pressured to sign statements saying that their loved ones were killed by 'armed terrorist gangs'. Life for Aleppo's three million residents is becoming unbearable under military siege. An activist told the Associated Press by Skype. ‘There is not enough food and people are trying to leave. We really need support from the outside. There is random shelling against civilians.’

Pray: for international protection for those who are trapped in the city and the 200,000 who have managed to escape.



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