Syria: Defender of Palestinians

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

Syria claims to be the true defender of the 550,000 Palestinian refugees living there and is home to several Palestinian political organisations. However, the relationship between the two countries is strained. In general the Palestinians are poorer than the Syrians around them. Not having respect from the rest of society, makes them more passionate about returning to the Occupied Territories. Palestinians have not been allowed to revisit the occupied territories nor have Palestinians coming from the Occupied Territories been allowed to visit Syria. Palestinians in Syria have two choices; never visit family and see the homeland, or find ways to work around the rules and hope they do not get caught. It has been a generation since anyone in Syria has actually lived in the ‘original’ Palestine, but today’s youth tell you what town they are from and when their family became refugees. It is instilled in them that their destiny is ‘return to Palestine’

that Palestinians in Syria will discover their eternal citizenship through Jesus and that believers in Syria successfully share Christ’s love. (Heb.11:16)


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