Syria: Christians worldwide praying

Written by Super User 19 Sep 2013

Christians around the world are praying today for peace in Syria and the wellbeing of millions of refugees who have left their homes because of the fighting. Pope Francis appealed to the world's 1.2 billion Catholics to join him in a day of prayer and fasting for the country. In a letter to Pope Francis, the Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassou, spiritual leader of Sunni Islam, welcomed the appeal and said he would be joining in praying and fasting for peace in his country. Orthodox leader the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I and the head of the World Evangelical Alliance, Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe, have both backed the prayer call. The Bishop of Wakefield, the Right Reverend Stephen Platten, has also encouraged Church of England parishes to join with others this weekend in praying for peace in Syria. The Church of England has also published prayers for Syria. See:

Pray: for Syria, its people, its refugees, its leaders and for the international response to be one that will promote peace. (Mat.5:9)



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