Syria: Christians caught in conflict

Written by Super User 27 Jul 2012

Aleppo has seen fierce clashes between rebels and Syrian government forces, is Syria's largest city and is the country's industrial and financial centre. It has the largest population of Christians in the country, and along with a mix of other religious and ethnic communities, the city's demographics largely mirror those of the country as a whole. Alappo has been slow to enter the violence, and while activists say opposition has existed for some time inside the city, its relationship with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is less clear. See: Open Doors reports, ‘In a church in Aleppo, children are singing and laughter fills the halls. Christians are providing a summer retreat from the trauma. Despite all the challenges they are trying to organize a daily Christian retreat for the six-week summer camp; having their meals together, playing and learning crafts, pray and simply having a good time together.’

Pray: for God’s power and authority to protect all facing fear of violence and uncertainty. (Ps.68:1)


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