Saudi Arabia: Reaction to Grand Mufti declaration

Written by Super User 26 Apr 2012

On the 18th March Prayer Alert reported that the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the highest official of religious law in the region, declared that it is necessary to destroy all churches. This shocked many Christians in the Arabian Peninsula and other parts of the world, but was not widely reported in the Western press. The Grand Mufti quoted Muhammad’s deathbed statement, ‘There are not to be two religions in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Some fear this could incite Muslims beyond the Arabian Peninsula to violence against Christians, since Christianity is already forbidden in the Arabian Peninsula and no churches exist there. The implications of the Grand Mufti's words could result in banning churches in Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, say observers. These countries presently allow expatriates to worship in compounds. The Grand Mufti’s statement calls for these nations to follow the Arabian Peninsula’s example and outlaw Christianity. Also in Kuwait there are fears of a ban on new churches and tougher blasphemy penalties. See:

Pray: for fthe Grand Mufti to retract his declaration and that churches in the Arabian Peninsula will not be impacted by his statement. (Ps.103:6)


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