Pakistan: Threats and strained relationships

Written by Super User 10 Dec 2011

Arif Ferguson is in hiding after death threats from the Taliban because he shared his faith with Muslims and expressed views against the blasphemy law in a local newspaper. Release International said, ‘This latest death threat confirms that militants now regard even opposing the blasphemy laws as a ‘crime’ deserving of death.’ They will not permit debate in parliament or in the press. This intensifies the risk to Christians in Pakistan who take issue with intolerance and extremism.’ We are asked to pray also about the relationships between Pakistan and NATO which have deteriorated; nationwide protests continue against NATO after an attack that killed 24 soldiers in November; Pakistan has asked the US to vacate an air base and has blocked transport of NATO supplies across the border.

Pray: for Pakistan’s leaders to courageously repeal the blasphemy laws and work with the nations to establish peace in the area. (Pr.15:29)



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