Pakistan: Christians need more protection

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2013

Following the latest double suicide bombings of two churches, protests and vigils have taken place across Pakistan demanding better protection. Local authorities have been accused of not following up on previous bomb threats or taking any action to protect the community preceding the attack. UK human rights organization ‘Global Minorities Alliance’ said, ‘the government has failed to protect the minorities’ and similar comments came from the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales who agree that the Pakistani Government must do more to protect Christians who show great courage in giving witness to their faith in the midst of terrorists violent ideology. Release International appealed to Christians in the UK to stand by their persecuted Pakistani brothers and sisters and added, ‘Pakistan must take immediate and effective action to protect its Christian minority.

Pray:    for all who were bereaved and those who were injured or live in fear because of the tragedy. Pray also for all who are being attacked and killed simply because of their faith. (1Cor.4:12)


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